Galway FN23xb

The area around the intersection of Rt 29 and Rt 147 in Galway NY is a relatively good site that has worked out quite well for us. It is in the southeast corner of the grid which helps both to minimize travel time as well as keep path distances to the New England stations as short as possible. There are two locations that we have used. One is on Hermance road just east of Greens Corner road. There have been times where the neighbors have been upset with our being there, but I would think that if there is limited use in the daytime it might be alright. There is a wide flat shoulder outside of the fence on the property. The other site is just down around the corner on Hermance Rd just west of Greens Corner Rd. It is not nearly as good for us since we have to try to park the trailer somewhat level and the shoulder slopes downward. If you do not have to park on level ground it would be fine. The W2SZ rovers have used both sites and you might trip across them there. We regularly see some of them and make contacts with them.